Transparent-object sensors with patented UV technology detect presence of clear plastic sheet during thermoforming

Transparent-object sensors with patented UV technology detect presence of clear plastic sheet during thermoforming

Summary A manufacturer of PC motherboards uses presence sensing immediately after reflow soldering to trigger a subsequent operation. A long-distan...
Factor 1 Weld-Immune Sensors Offer Outstanding Protection at Exceptional Prices during MF Resistance Welding of Aluminum Assemblies

Factor 1 Weld-Immune Sensors Offer Outstanding Protection at Exceptional Prices during MF Resistance Welding of Aluminum Assemblies

Summary The strong magnetic fields generated by industrial spot welders cause unprotected sensors to malfunction or fail. To prevent misalignment d...
Spatter-Resistant Weld-Immune Sensors Deliver Exceptional Reliability and Extended Service Life on Automotive Chassis-Welding Lines

Spatter-Resistant Weld-Immune Sensors Deliver Exceptional Reliability and Extended Service Life on Automotive Chassis-Welding Lines

Summary Automated chassis welding in the automotive sector requires synchronized operation of multiple robots, in complete safety and with minimal ...
Blind sensing used in made-to-measure fixture that checks threaded inserts in molded automobile parts

Blind sensing used in made-to-measure fixture that checks threaded inserts in molded automobile parts

Summary A manufacturer of injection molded parts for the automotive industry uses inductive sensors from the Extra Distance family (500 series)...